Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Homework 9: In Case of Zombie Outbreak

In Case Of Zombie Outbreak:

Rough Timeline:

#1: Cause of Zombie Outbreak

·Potential causes: biological warfare, mutated vaccine, mutated/new disease
·Patient zero
·Disease vector

No one is completely sure where the disease came from. Some rumors insist that some foreign government developed the disease to disrupt our nation's power. Some say that this year's flu vaccines were rushed out too quickly before enough testing could be done and the strain sent out to hundreds of thousands of Americans was somehow contaminated or mutated. I don't know what exactly happened, but what I do know is that the shit hit the fan and we are up to our neck in zombies.

#2: Who unstrapped patient zero from his gurney?! [During Initial Outbreak]

·Safety measures: (masks, wash hands, don't get bitten, cover open wounds, etc.)

·Trust no one! (A person can seem fine but already be diseased)

·Initially the government and other organizations will attempt to capture the diseased and control the outbreak.

·Procure weapons. This will not be the first step for most people, resulting in their death. [Looting will not be an option yet.]


#3: Zombie Nation [Initial Outbreak Completed]

·Gather group:
--Less then 20 people
--Must be trustworthy and/or have relevant skills to survival
--Must be fit
--Have combat skill or willing to learn
--Have survival skill (mechanic, gardener, hurting, nursing, etc.)
--Important to maintain and lead the group.

·Procure weapons and vehicles [Let the looting commence, no laws, lots of zombies]

·Find basic survival materials:
--Shelter – must consider:
---▪How to establish
---▪Proximity to resources vs. safe distance from population centers (Note: population of Little Rock in 2008 (not including suburbia): 189,515)

▪Possible location choice: Sam’s Club
--Lots of nonperishable food and t.p.
--Some tools and other useful nonfood items
--Minimal exits to secure
--Might need to cull of zombies (& other refugees?)

Undeveloped Subsections:

·Interstate [few cars due to sickness]
·Road Raiders [armed, dangerous]
·Zombies [wear seatbelts]

Useful Skills:

·Wood working
·Metal working
·Warfare knowledge

Potential Technologies needed:

·Water cleaning equipment
·Electricity generators (solar, wind, water)
·Guide wires

Children in Zombieland:

·Coming soon!

Rules for Zombie Outbreak:

·Be able to run for long periods. [Cardiovascular exercise is your friend.]
·Be able to kill zombies. [Even if they are close friends or family]
·Be able to think independently. [No sheep! (They all got eated! J)]
·Maintain distance from zombies whenever possible
·Wear seat belt when driving.
·Do not relax outside of compound. Stay aware of surroundings. The compound is depending on you to come back alive. [Check closets, back seats, rafters, etc.]
·Beware other humans; they are out to survive as well. Kill or be killed.

Rules Of Survival From The Movie Zombieland:

·Rule 1: Cardio
·Rule 2: Beware of Bathrooms
·Rule 3: Wear your seat beat
·Rule 4: Double Tap
·Rule 5: No attachments
·Rule15: Know your way out!
·Rule 17: Don’t be a hero
·Rule 18: Limber up
·Rule 31: Check the back seat
·Rule 32: Enjoy the little things

Necessary Resources:

Water: [Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, grocery stores, rivers, streams]

·Left over bottled supplies
·Rainwater (Collect on the roof and use the sun reflecting off aluminum to heat the water and purify it? Would still need to filter for solid impurities.)
·Rivers/streams (may be polluted due to corpses or human pollution)

Food: [Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, grocery stores]

·Left over nonperishable
·What can be grown or hunted
·Not Zombies! [You can get mad cow disease from eating diseased meat so why not get zombie from eating zombie?]

Shelter: [any building]

·Temperature control
·Able to control entrance and exit
·Bedding, clothing, etc.

Electricity: [need generators once electrical system breaks down]

·Can use generators and gas
·Useful, but limited and unnecessary
·Get candles [Bed, Bath, & Beyond?]
·Solar power?
·Water wheels?

Weapons [many places]
Construction materials [Home Depot]
Tools [Home Depot]

Zombie Specifics:

·Height, weight, fitness, sense acuity, etc. are zombie dependent.
·Zombies will eat other zombies only if no other food sources are available.
·Zombies are omnivorous, but prefer humans due to their similar body chemistry.
·Zombies hunt humans because humans are slow and stupid and easier to hunt than most animals.
·Zombies cannot use tools. (Initially?)
·Zombies are able to ignore pain in pursuit of food much like animals.
·Zombies will die without food, water, etc.
·Zombies can procreate, and the babies are zombies.
·Disease does not cross species. [If it did we would be screwed]
·Human sexing zombie without condom can turn human to zombie. [Disease is an STD].

Disease specifics:

·After 2-3 days: flu symptoms
·After 6-7 days: “zombie”
·Flu → high fever → fever broken/zombie

Government Responses to zombie outbreak:

·Humanitarian (capture and cure)
·Deploy soldiers (not enough soldiers in US, too much time to transfer them home)
·Bureaucratic bickering until it is too late (2100)

Minority Report:

·What will be done with criminals and the insane? The logical thing to do would be to kill them because they are too much of a liability. However, they would likely end up adding to the zombie population as the people in control of them either wouldn’t have the heart to kill them, or wouldn’t want to take responsibility for doing so.

Ghost in the Shell:

·Zombie Disease can easily be compared to ghost hacking. Everything that makes that person who they are is replaced by base instincts (in the zombie case) or by a hacker’s program (in the Ghost in the Shell case).


·The governments will not respond quickly enough.
·People will form private survival groups.
·The power grid will enviably shutdown.
·The cities will become dangerous abandoned places.
·Only compounds will remain.

1. People will start to get sick. They will come from transportation hubs to UALR, then will leave again. They will go to Health Services and people will be exposed. Greek houses, classrooms, the DSC, and the Residence Halls will act as breeding grounds.

2. Students will suffer in their rooms and when the fever breaks will attack roommates who will run to hospitals (along with their “sick” attackers) where the disease will continue to spread.

3. As the disease spreads classes will be canceled. Students will have to decide if they want to stay or evacuate. (Will they be allowed to evacuate?)

4. Some will believe that the government will come save them while others will seek out bases. We currently plan on gathering a group and escaping to Sam's Club. Interstate/roads will be mostly clear due to people staying home due to sickness. [Note: Little Rock has a larger population than most realize. If even 50% of the population becomes zombies, then that is tens of thousands of zombies].

5. How many can live comfortably in Sam's Club? How many are needed to keep it secure, and keep the compound in resources?

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